Plot 29/30 Arua Road – Nebbi Municipality

Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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Wenips trains Nebbi people about different business ideas


WENIPS does farming practices like poultry, cattle rearing.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) / Team Leader

Mr. Onegi P Jenaro

Onegi P Jenaro is a certified International Labour Organization (ILO) Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Trainer;

An Alumni of Alumni of Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (October, 2017) in the Netherlands;

An Alumni of Coady International Institute, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia (NS) Canada B2G 2W5 (2015);

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi, Uganda (2002);

Bachelor Degree in Philosophy (Magna cum Laude), Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome/St. Thomas (campus)-2000;

Uganda Diploma in Business Studies, Makerere University Business School, Kampala (1992);

Diploma in Philosophical and Religious Studies, Katigondo National Major Seminary, Uganda (1990).

Why Choose us

We Providing Innovative Solutions

WENIPS has demonstrated its commitment to innovation and excellence by winning the national Early Childhood Development (ECD) Innovators Challenge. This suggests that they are at the forefront of finding creative solutions to pressing challenges.

Positive Impact

WENIPS uplifts livelihoods, supports SMEs, advocates for human rights.

Community-Centered Approach

WENIPS actively engages with local communities through organized meetings.

Soap Making

Saponification is done and results in the formation of soap molecules from the fats and oils.

Soya Processing

Various methods and techniques used to transform soybeans into a wide range of food and non-food products.

Village Saving

avings Groups are self-managed groups of 15-25 individual members

Meet Our Team

We have a team of professionals, dedicated to providing excellent service to ensure the success of your company.


Women educated


Village Saving and Loans Associations Formed


Soap Making Industries created


Employment Opportunities created

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